Sunday, December 05, 2004

Session #7

This was a bit of a short session.
The Holidays are upon us, and everyone seems to be in a relaxed mood.
Unfortunately this mood does not help gaming. Even without the everspeaking Joe, the group didn't get much done.

Brian and Joe were not at this session. Brian's character Dugan was played by Aaron. Joe's character Zorak was played by Justin.

Session #7 map

Room A103: We stopped Session #6 with the group fleeing this room as the portal grew much larger and it appeared that more creatures were about to pour through. So they fled to room A41. While on their way, when they were running through room A45. They felt an earthquake come from the general direction of room A103.

They rested and leveled!
Thunderclease added a 3rd level of barbarian (3rd brb/1st ftr).
Dugan added a 4th level of paladin.
Krieg added a 4th level of cleric.
Zorak added a 4th level of sorcerer.
Dalron leveled after room A103, but when he did he added a 4th level of rogue.

While resting the party went through the items they took from Deltin and Pwok(Longtail). Of real interest was the notes that Pwok had kept about the portal. Most important to the group was the process of concentration that would close the portal.

The group returned to A103 through the secret door to find bodies everywhere. But nothing living was found, so they thought. Zorak and Krieg began to concentrate on closing the portal as how the notes stated. But during that time, the creatures that created the mess of bodies returned. A pair of fiendish winter wolves surrounded the party. Also, the imp of Pwok's could not allow the portal to be closed for his own reasons so he joined in the fight. Unfortunately for him, the wolves didn't care about his plans and between a nasty blow from Thunderclease and a winter wolf's icy breath, the imp is no more. The party took a good beating, but all survived.

Rooms A101 & A102: Nothing but torn to shred orc & kobold bodies. Dalron (well actually Dale) joked that it was the work of a fiendish owlbear. Nobody likes it when Dale's right.

Room A100: The party hears the sounds of loud growling and intense fighting coming from this room. When they get to the open doorway, they see a feathered 8 foot tall beast fighting half a dozen fiendish darkmantles. And of course, it's got that fiendish look in its eye. It immediately changed targets to the party (the darkmantles scrammed fast). Target number #1 was Dugan.

Round #1: The party engages the owlbear in melee. It smites good against Dugan with a claw for some nasty damage. Zorak casts Magic Missile and beats the spell resistance, but the spell has no effect.

Round #2: Zorak tries Magic Missile again, with the same results. The owlbear hits Dugan with both claws and its bite and successfully grapples Dugan. Dugan, down to 2 hp, uses his lay on hands on himself. (On a sad note for the DM, the DM's damage rolls for d8+3 x2(2 claws) and d6+6 (1 bite) were 2, 1, & 1 for a total damage of 12)

Round #3: The party gets the owlbear down to exactly 0hp. This gives the owlbear exactly one action. The owlbear gets one last free bite at the paladin (its fiendish and evil and he's a walking moral majority). It does some minor damage to the paladin and promptly falls to -1 hp. The party makes damn sure it makes its way to -10hp.

Room A115: Treasure Room! Well it used to be. Orcs got here first. Now its nothing but piles of destroyed containers.

Rooms A113 & A114: This was an odd room that had a single 5'x5' tile that was different from the rest. When Thunderclease jumped on the tile, he was dimension doored to room A114. Unfortunately for him, this was an airtight prison room. Not caring about the dead orcs in the, he worried more about him being unable to breath. He promptly jumped off of the corresponding tile in this room and then back onto it. Luckily for him it worked both ways.


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