Sunday, October 31, 2004

Session #4

(Edit: Oops forgot room A83.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened this session.
Much time was wasted. But the DM can't point the finger at any one person. Especially because the DM caused his fair share.
Less overall fighting, but traps seemed abundant.
I added a few things on-the-fly. Basically to hurry some things up, guide the party, or for simple entertainment.

Session #4 map
(Black areas of the map are unexplored. White areas are explored but irrelevant to this session)

Day 4, 2pm

Room A21: Nothing of interest until they left through the door to room A72. The rogue detected no trap, but there was one. Luckily no one was hurt. The worst thing this trap did was waste 5 minutes of time while the party tried to get through the doorway it protected.

Rooms A72, A70, & A71: Lots of rock and rubble, but otherwise empty rooms.

Room A73: Another empty room except for a large 250gp iron censer. But it was too large to carry, so they moved on.

Room A74: The door to this room from A73 was trapped with a Color Spray spell trap. Once again the rogue detected no trap (magic spell traps are hard to find though; DC25+spell level). Thunderclease took the full brunt of the spell. While he was dazed many jokes were had at his expense (especially about his gay mustache...oh wait, that was Justin, not Thunderclease), but when he came to, he tried to open the door again and this time successfully dodge the spell.

Room A75: Quick work was made of a rat swarm here. Otherwise this place was just rubble.

Room A76: This room was someone's sleeping quarters. Nothing of interest until a secret door was found. Thunderclease decided to open (after the rogue checked it for traps and the DM said something didn't look right about the door). The door and other rocks fell on Thunderclease for 3d6 damage. Luckily it all landed on his head and he was fine.

Room A77: This room contained many skeletal bodies that were chained to a central spike. The whole room radiated evil. So the two goody-two shoes in the group, Dugan and Krieg, set to releasing the bodies. Once they began this they began having vivid visions of people being tortured in this room which then left its "evil stench" on the room. Then a creature, a small ball of golden light, appeared before the group. It took no aggressive action, and surprisingly, neither did the party. It set about investigating the party. The party asked questions and stumbled upon that it could answer questions, but could only answer in "yes" or "no" but instead of speaking it changed its lighting color. Red for no and blue for yes. They named it Augury. They general questions to find out general information about the locale and to see if they could cleanse this room of evil. The questions they asked were too general for them to get any significant answers. Eventually Augury faded away.

Note: Yes, Augury was modeled after a "bit" from the movie Tron. This idea was read about in the ENWorld forum spoiler thread for the WLD. Augury also did a point of "Smartass damage" to Thunderclease.

Room A80 (Not shown on map): Before the party entered this room, Augury, or another identical creature blocked the party's way and flashed red three times. The party took this as a warning and moved on.

Room A81 (Also not shown on the map): Before the party got too close to the door, a voice in broken common warned them not to get too close. After parylaying with an orc, the group found out that they were led by an orc named Orghar. A deal was worked out with the party in the manner of 1 question = 1 food ration. After 2 rations (one being about what was in the room that Augury warned them about; many many evil bird things) and a refusal to be allowed to see and speak to Orghar, the orc offered to tell its story for a weeks worth of rations (10 days since this is the Forgotten Realms).

His story was simple and broken (and hard for the DM to speak in dry orcish speak for long). Many orcs, kobolds, goblins, troglodytes, and lizardmen were lured with a promise of power by a ratman named Longtail (who had some evil looking thing living on his shoulder that constantly whispered into his ear). After the groups realized that they could not leave, their unsteady alliances began to crack. When Longtail disappeared, things went from bad to worse. The orcs began fighting anything that gave them trouble. Then things went from worse to "Dungeons & Dragons Movie" bad. Rat swarms, giant rats, evil bird things, and flying black octopi descended upon everything. This forced the orcs to find a place to fortify and defend until an opportunity presents itself.
When asked about Longtail, the orc replied that since the orcs barely survived the attacks, there is no way a sniveling ratman could have survived.

With a thanks, the party moved on.

Room A84: A totally empty room save for a stone pedestal with a metal box. Dalron detected no traps so he opened it, only to have yellow mold spew from it. He failed save #1 for 2 points of Con damage (from 1d6), but saved the 2nd required save (2d6 Con damage which had the potential to kill Dalron who only had 10 con at that point).

Room A85: This was a peculiar room. There was a five foot column that had a clear glass sphere embedded into it. Standing on its point on the sphere was an ivory, rune-laden tusk that seamed to have been made in the shape of a dagger and radiated evil. On the floor were two motionless darkmantles. The party rushed into the room to make sure the darkmantles were dead. The darkmantles weren't but they soon would be, and so would the 3rd one that was hiding.

When that was done, the party investigated the column and its contents. When someone touches the sphere it emits a Flare spell, which dazzles all those who fail the save for 1 minute. When someone touches the "dagger" it emits a Sleep spell. Thunderclease, being a barbarian, grabbed the dagger from its location. He grabbed it just fine, but failed the Sleep save. But since he was still holding it, everyone in the room had to make the save every round. Dalron, the only elf in the group, pulled the dagger from Thunderclease's hand.

Zorak attempted to decipher the runes with Detect Magic and Read Magic, but all he could detect was a faint aura of necromancy. There was much discussion what to do with the dagger. Thunderclease & Dalrom saw many possibilities in a dagger that could put people to sleep. Dugan and Krieg said that no good could come from the use of an evil item.

Eventually it was decided to destroy the item. But no weapon they had could do anything more than chip the dagger and possibly ruin their own weapons. So they figured that trying to destroy it by smashing it into the globe had a chance to work. So Dalron volunteered to do it, because he was immune to sleep. After a couple of attempts, Dalron was able plunge the dagger into the sphere. It worked, but the concussive blast from the release of the magic threw Dalron into the wall and knocked him unconscious (-4 hp). Krieg rushed in to aid Dalron from the hallway (the blast conventiently knocked the door off of its hinges).

A quick Detect Evil sweep by Dugan showed that the evil was gone.

The party then rested and some leveled!
Thunderclease added a level of barbarian (2 brb / 1 ftr)
Krieg added a level of cleric (clr 3)
Zorak added a level of Sorcerer (sor 3)
Dalron added a level of Rogue (rog 3)
Later Dugan would level and add a level of paladin (pal 3) (He's lagging a little behind because he missed a session)

Room A83: The hallway to this room is trapped with a fireball spell. Thunderclease went down this hallway alone and set off the trap. Unfortunately, Dugan and Dalron were standing directly in front the door and took damage from it as well. Thunderclease shrugged it off and checked out the room beyond. It was 100% empty. So Thunderclease had to run through the firball hallway again. Luckily his new level gave him a good hit point roll.

Room A86: Krieg detected the secret door to this room. After a long hallway that reaked of filth, they found a room that had so much trash and goo it was bubbling. They turned around and went back the way they came.

Room A78: Another room with moldy barrels. The party walked carefully through this room. The rogue once again missed a magical trapped and Thunderclease was narrowly missed by a Scorching Ray spell.

Room A79: More moldy junk.

They then proceeded to fill in more of the map.


Blogger Eldric IV said...

Nice to see the elf came in handy.

11:53 PM  
Blogger BlueBlackRed said...

The elf comes in handy all the time.
It's just usually as a target.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Eldric IV said...

Ha ha ha!

Yes, every party needs a brick, a healer, a sneak, a wizard, and a target.

10:49 PM  

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