Friday, July 28, 2006

Where's the podcast?

In case you haven't noticed, no podcast for Aaron's first game yet.

Well, to put it simple enough - I've been taking it easy.
I only get so many megabytes per month I can use, so I have to wait it out a bit until the billing time recycles.
Then there were some issues with my car...I have the worst luck with cars.

There's no game tonight, thanks to all but Aaron, Brian, and myself not being able to attend.
So it's not like I'm going to be getting behind with the podcasts.

And as for getting new players, we had two potentials.
One should be at next week's game if all goes well.
The other was supposed to be at last week's game, but I believe he decided that our game was not for him. He loves Eberron and we more or less loathe it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Starting Anew

Well because Dale’s schedule for the next few months is occupied due to family responsibilities, Aaron is going to start up his campaign.

Aaron has yet to DM for us, and I’m ready to see what he has up his sleeve.

After Dale’s finished up game last week we finished creating our PCs.

Here is the basic setup:
- Stats will be created with a 32 point-buy.
- Setting is Forgotten Realms with the starting point being in the Dalelands, Daggerdale specifically.
- Beyond the core rules we are allowed to use the Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide and one other book of our choosing. The one book of our choosing is something I’m not to keen on. I prefer the all or nothing approach, but that’s just play-style and preferences.
- Our PCs are mercenaries separately signing up to work for the local people in charge. This nets us an additional 300gp in starting money and gives us a reason for why we got together without the cliché (but still usable) “you meet in a tavern”.
- We each had to submit to Aaron a list of 5 things that make our PC tick (similar to a background) and 5 rumors that may or may not be true. This was supposed to be secret but not everyone read that (ahem Dale & Mike).
- There will be little to no Zhentarim-related activity. Aaron keeps stressing that.
- Good-aligned PCs are required. If a PC goes evil, he magically becomes an NPC.

And that about covers the majority of our character development rules.

Because I’ve been playing some heavy casting characters recently, I called dibs on the fighter first. Hooray for me.

Then the rest of the group went for a more wilderness and sneaky group, so my dreams of having a tin can mercenary leader went out the window in yet another campaign.
So I switched to barbarian from the northlands, with Complete Warrior as my option book.

Brian has a human scout, using Complete Adventurer for his book.
Dale, when he can make it, will be playing an elf wizard, using Spell Compendium.
Mike will be playing either a druid or ranger, I don’t remember which one he finally decided on. Nor do I remember the book he chose.
Joy will be playing the party’s gold dwarf cleric. No clue about what her book choice is.

We also may have some new players joining us in the next few weeks, listen to the podcast to get filled in some more.

My PC is simple and straight forward human barbarian who wields a greataxe.
I’d tell you more about his background but I believe Aaron wants us to keep it to ourselves for the time being.
Barbarian + greataxe = some love for the poor d12.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Dale's Campaign - Session #21

Podcast of this session.

This night was a good one and just happened to be the last game that Dale is going to run for a couple months because his Fridays are going to be occupied with family-related fun.

So Aaron is going to start up his campaign in the interim. There will be more on his campaign in a blog entry later this week.

Everyone but Justin was at this session. We’ve kind of written him off as we might be getting some more group members soon and it’s kind of hard to leave an open chair for someone who shows up to one in six game sessions. He’s a good guy and all, but I don’t even have a number or e-mail to get with him to find out if he is going to show.

Dale’s daughter Joy joined us as well, but she just helped Dale with his basic math (see previous entries about Dale’s math and organizational skills). She will probably be joining on a regular basis and playing in Aaron’s campaign, assuming college-life allows.

As for the podcast of this session, it’s 100% better in sound quality. I had spent a chunk of money on a mixer, a big chunk of money on a laptop, but only bought a cheap pair of microphones. They were bringing the whole system down. So I had to break down and get a good pair of microphones and related equipment. The ambient noise and such has been all but cut out now and the sound has less of an echo to it.

I believe that I’ll have 95% of the kinks worked out on this podcast thing by the time we start Aaron’s game this coming Friday. The podcast will have some other touches added to it and I’ll finally set it up for podcatchers.

We started this session where we left off before, with us sliding into an ice cave (I didn’t state an ice cave in the last session because I didn’t hear Dale say that), and a bunch of insectoid chattering clattering around us.

Immediately we were set upon by a gargantuan remorhaz, which Dale called Momma.

It grabbed Kineo after he hit it with a failed Maximized Disintegrate. In addition to the bite damage, Kineo received an unhealthy chunk of burn damage as well – a giant 10d10 thanks to its increased size.

Since Kineo was in the back of the party, the fighters had to rush a fair distance to get to the fight, but it was alright because Dale was on a bad rolling night. Kal got off a Hold Monster spell and the remorhaz failed her Will save.

But it was too late for Kineo. Even though he was freed from the grapple with a Freedom of Movement spell, he still had to take a 2nd 10d10 points of damage, and couldn’t survive it. So we used our last 1000gp diamond and used our group’s favorite spell, Revivify.

It’s sad that a Raise Dead type of spell is our most often cast one huh?

After we took out Momma, the other remohrazes fled the scene.

We found our way through the cave, after swiping Momma’s treasure stash of course, and moved back out into the icy and mountainous terrain.

Then bad things happened and only Kal could see exactly what was happening thanks to his Extended See Invisible spell.

A very old white dragon got us from surprise. At the time I thought it was even more powerful than that because Dale ran it very well this time around. Unlike the last dragon that took a header into the ground because Dale wasn’t paying attention. From what I’ve heard, running dragons is a learned skill and art form.

Thanks to the white and mountainous terrain, it saw us and we didn’t see him. It cast Greater Invisibility on it self and swooped in for an attack.

Here’s what everyone but Kal saw – Kineo suddenly whiffed off to our left and then up into the air.

Kal of course saw that a dragon had grabbed him with its mouth and was flying off with him.

Kal yelled out “Dragon!” or something to that extent, but the aura dragonfear had already taken care of that.

Kineo, our group’s best blaster, and Jaxil, our group’s best healer, started running full speed away from the group because both of them failed their saving throws (which meant I rolled a natural 1 for Jaxil). They were out of the combat for the next 13 rounds.

That left only Culan, Kal, and Mark to fight a CR17 dragon.

Culan was pinned in the dragon’s mouth and Mark could not see the dragon except through where Culan was.

Things did not look good from the start.

Early rounds (about 1-2 rounds):
The dragon continued to fly up while applying some bite damage to Culan before eventually dropping him 100’ into the mountainside and then grabbing him again to repeat the action (think of a cat playing with its prey).
Culan could not attack the dragon from his position because he was pinned the dragon’s mouth, so he had to drop his Sun Blade to the ground and then pull out his short sword to take swings at the dragon.
Mark cast Bull’s Strength on himself, and picked up Kineo’s and Jaxil’s dropped equipment. Otherwise he could do nothing unless he could fly.
Kal had a lot of spells, but not enough time to get them all off and the dragon was just outside of his range to use any spells that would hurt or slow the dragon. He went with casting Mass Fly on him and Mark, Assay Spell Resistance, summoned in a trio of Bralanis that had better maneuverability than the dragon, but not the speed.

Culan tried to cast a healing spell on himself while in the dragon’s mouth, but couldn’t make the concentration check to cast while being grappled.
Kineo and Jaxil were over 200 away now.
The Bralanis had no target, so they cast Mirror Image on themselves.
Kal got off a Quickened Scorching Ray at the dragon and did some nice damage and then cast Wing Bind on it. Wing Bind basically takes away your flying ability and you plummet to the ground.
So the dragon and Culan fell 150’ to the ground taking 35 damage a piece, and Culan was free from the grapple now. But he only had 7 hit points remaining.
Culan couldn’t cast on the defensive since his Concentration skill was too low, so he made a run for it and took the attack of opportunity from the dragon. The attack hit, and left him at -7 hit points. The next round the dragon finished him off.
The following round Kal was able to successfully dispel the dragon’s Greater Invisibility and follow it up with a Quickened Magic Missile.
The Bralanis and Mark swarmed the dragon from all sides.

Later rounds:
Kal flew up and attempted a Quickened True Strike with a Disintegrate. But I failed the break the spell resistance. Thinking back on it, I believe I forgot to include the +10 from Assay Spell Resistance. Oh well.
The dragon responded with its breath weapon on Kal and Kal alone. No damage was dealt because Kal had cast a wonderful 6th level spell that rendered him 100% immune to cold damage.
The Bralanis only hit once through the entire combat, but they supplied flanking and blocked the dragon from moving easily.
Mark still had two of his Smite Evils left, and two ankh charges left as well.
(For those of you who don’t know, Mark has a magical ankh that allows him to turn a hit into a miss three times per day. The ankh has saved Mark’s life numerous times.)
Mark was able to hit with both smites over the next couple of rounds doing about 75 points of damage to the dragon total.
The dragon gave better than he got though. Mark used his two ankh charges preventing the bite attacks from hitting for the next two rounds. Even then he was still under 20 hit points by the end of the 2nd round of melee attacks.
Kal cast Freedom of Movement on himself and moved in to heal Mark. Mark was healed back up to his maximum hp.
But Kal paid a price. The dragon focused all of his attacks on Kal. Kal went from 108 hit points to 27 after all 6 attacks hit.

Final rounds:
Kal Dimension Doored out of there and brought Mark with him after Mark got another set of swings (and a crit) in.
That left the dragon with only the Bralanis as a nuisance.
It attempted to flee, but at its fastest movement Kal could still outdistance it until it got back its flying.
With Kal’s last damage spell, a 2nd level (normal) Scorching Ray took the dragon down.

After guaranteeing that the big bad dragon was dead, we gathered up our scattered and fallen comrades.

I don’t remember how exactly Culan was raised, most likely he had to use up his one free Full Resurrection that he was owed for returning Radiant’s Rest to the clergy.

The rest of the resolution went pretty quickly. We found the dragon’s horde and with it the Staff of Winter’s Might.

We returned to Ug’s tribe and gave them the dragon’s head to aid in his negotiations with the frost giants.

And then we returned to the Last Tree, stepped through it, and gave Sylvya Mightyoak the staff.

She thanked us and ported all of us to the northern lands where we started months ago at level 1.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Dale's Campaign - Session #20

We wasted a bit of time getting started.
I had not gotten around to working on my character sheets and other aspects involved in leveling Kal and Jaxil, so this time I was the main culprit for wasting time.

Not a good precedent for me since I’m the one that preaches things about being prepared.

Mike was still out this week, but should be in for the next session. Aaron controlled his PC.

When we finally got down to business, we started where we left off – the smoky, burned up temple.

We started off having Richie raised (we were more guilted into doing that though), but we were seen as heroes in the town (even though the reason all of this happened to the town was because of us making a lich mad at us – but we told no one that).

Kal wanted to leave the town as soon as possible, since he desperately wants to leave these lands, but fate had something different in mind for us.

The next day Kal was visited my Sylvya Mightyoak, the mightiest druid in the land, and his teacher. She requested a favor of him and his friends; she sought the powerful Staff of Winter’s Might (or something similar to that).

Kal agreed to do this, and convinced the other Brothers of Souls Honor to go as well. He did ask that upon completion of this task, that we all be teleported to Kal’s homelands. She agreed.

First we had to prepare. Sylvya was going to transport us to the very far north, to the Last Tree, located at the edge of the permafrost.

We bought all of the equipment we were going to need for a heavy winter trip, and the next morning Sylvya tree-ported us to the Last Tree. She pointed us in the direction of the nearest human settlement and left us.

Kal’s druidic nature made rolling for traveling through the near-arctic lands almost pointless, and by the next day we had found a nomadic human tribe.

We met with their muscle-bound leader, Ugg. He knew very little of magic, much less any “stick” that had some, but he might know something about where the staff we sought might be. He would tell us where it might be in exchange for solving one of his tribe’s problems.

Every night his tribe is haunted by the ghost of an angered frost giant named Jarl (yarl), and Jarl is ruining the tribe’s ability to thrive and grow (no sleep, scares away food). He wants us to put an end to Jarl.

So we go about the village asking questions, and thanks to Aaron’s amazing dice-rolling, Kineo found an old lady willing to spill her guts.

Long ago, the grandfather of Ugg betrayed a living Jarl by tricking him. The then-chieftain invited Jarl to peace talks, only to murder him instead with the very axe that Ugg now holds. Ever since then, Jarl has haunted the tribe.

With information like that, this side-quest was in the bag.

Without letting Ugg know, we had him wait out with us later that night until Jarl appeared.

Eventually Jarl appeared, yelling out “Betrayer!” in giantish (not that we could speak it).

We quickly swarmed him, and saved easily versus his attacks, or were immune to them.

Without warning, Kal cast a quickened True Strike and a Disintegrate to destroy the axe Ugg held.

We thought this would remove the earthly hold on Jarl, but nothing happened.


Next we yelled out to Ugg to bow down and beg for forgiveness for what his grandfather did to Ugg. Ugg did so and Jarl stopped and began talking with Ugg.

We explained to Ugg what had happened and why Jarl was haunting him. Through Ugg, we found out the only way to remove the hold this world had on Jarl; we had to bury the axe that killed him and bless it.


So we found the fine ashes of the axe, buried them in the snow and cast Bless on it.

Jarl solidified, saluted us, handed his axe to Kineo (who did the most combat damage to Jarl), and faded away.

Kineo handed Jarl’s axe over to Ugg and told him to either learn how to use it, or use it to make peace with any frost giants he might be at war with. He will choose the latter.

The next morning he thanked us for our aid, offered to one day repay us, and then told us where we needed to go find the magic we sought.

He pointed in a direction, told us to keep going that way until we came to an icy field that held many great ice worms (he describe remohrazes to us) and to follow a natural path to find a great wyrm of ice (obvious suspicion is a white dragon, but who knows).

So we rested up, and headed out.

We found a great icy crater with numerous large holes that we would have to pass near.

And, as expected, about halfway through the crater we heard a bunch of insectoid chattering.

We stopped in that cliffhanger as it was too late to get into a big combat.

Next week we start off with a combat.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Dale's Campaign - Session #19

This session was one nasty session.

Dale finally made it tougher on us, but not until after we thought we were done with the combat for the night. And we, in all our foolishness, fell for it.

No Justin this night and no Mike this night or next session. Justin’s PC, as usual, was not around and Aaron controlled Mike’s PC, Mark. Brian’s PC, Culan, poofed in when we started. Brian had taken home Culan’s character sheet, thinking there would be no reason he couldn’t make it to the next game.
He was wrong.

We got down to business and continued from where we left off last session.

We had just defeated another Hulking Corpse (Dale loves the Libris Mortis), so we healed up and slowly moved through the crypt.

Because we weren’t using Detect Evil liberally, we didn’t notice anything unusual about the interred bodies in the alcoves around us.

That put us in a bad situation because we were surrounded by several ghouls with fighter levels and a couple of Weeps (from the Libris Mortis).

The Weeps attempted some kind of fear affect with their weeping, but we all saved, so haha.

In spite being surrounded on four sides in a 5’ wide hallway (two rooms gave them another attack source), we did quite well.

From the front, Mark was being attacked by three of the four ghouls, while he and Culan took them on in melee.

From the rear, Kal and Kineo took on the weeps. Kal took the two Weeps out of combat with an Evard’s Black Tentacles while Kineo casually fried them with spells.

But what did the most damage was Kineo’s Mass Fire Shield. A ghoul would almost take double the amount of damage it dealt.

Once that minor nuisance was over, we healed up, and charged around a corner before our buffs wore off.

And we charged right into a pit. But Culan and Mark made their saves so they stopped before they fell in.

So Kal and Jaxil used a couple of Dimension Door spells to move the party over the pit.

Once Jaxil brought Culan and Mark over, combat began anew.

Several of the tombstones rose up out of the bone-covered floor and formed a Tombstone golem.

But this fight went like the last one. A few scratches on us and we had ourselves one dead golem.

The next hallway gave us another combat by being surrounded yet again. This one took longer than the previous hallway combat trap, but the result was the same – five dead mohrgs littered the floor.

At the end of this hallway was a door, so we charged through it. Every door in this dungeon had something nasty behind it, so we threw caution to the wind, expecting to find the boss.

We opened the door and began combat again, this time with the boss of the dungeon – some kind of humanoid undead with sorcerer levels.

Kal had a quickened True Strike and Disintegrate memorized still, and was going to use it.

Kal made his intent clear, and since he was on the bottom of the initiative stack, everyone had an opportunity to clear the way.

Mark moved into the room, out of the ray’s path, and hit the creature.
Kineo blasted it with an orb spell, and then moved out of the way.
Jaxil simply moved out of the way.
Culan took his full attacks, dealt over 100 points of damage to it, and the creature dropped.

The combat didn’t even last one full round.

So Kal used Disintegrate on the Darkskull we found, an evil magic item that the creature owned.

So we scoured the area for treasure and left (using another Dimension Door, and some Fly spells to get over the pit).

We had our new loot, we had enough XP for a level up, we didn’t bother with healing, we were relatively low on spells. You get the picture?

Ah arrogance, I spit at thee.

We climbed the stairs out of the catacombs back into the church, the smoke-filled church. But we didn’t leave it that way...

We heard two voices, both of them bad voices, very bad voices.

One was of the lich that tried to sue us. The other was from the devil that possessed the little girl from last session. All of the people in the temple had been slaughtered as well.

(Please excuse my poor recall of the events that followed. The lack of an MP3 really hurts the recall on my part.)

Thanks to horrible initiative rolls, Kineo, Jaxil, and Kal were all nicely clumped together. Those 3 PCs were subjected to 2 Fireballs.

Kal survived thanks to a Protection from Energy spell, Kineo saved and took no damage, Culan saved but had plenty of hit points, and Jaxil fried and died.

He was brought back by Kineo using a Revivify scroll and Kal helped with a Cure Critical Wounds spell.

Mark charged the devil. It was a horned devil and had a tough AC to hit; 35.

Culan followed slowly while buffing up.

The rest of us scattered while taking shots at the horned devil when we could, but its spell resistance was in the high 20’s.

Kineo could easily get past its spell resistance thanks to the Orb line of spells. Even though it doesn’t make sense to us, all of the orb spells are considered non-magical once cast and can deal damage as an energy attack rather than a cast spell.

Kal was the only one that could see the lich, but he acted like he couldn’t. During this, the lich was double-wielding two Fireball wands aiming strictly at Kal. Kal’s Protection from Fire spell didn’t last much beyond that.

Jaxil cast Silence on Kal, who voluntarily failed the save. Then Kal ran under the flying and invisible lich and cast Cone of Cold.

That irritated the lich who then floated down to attack Kal in melee, hoping to use his lich-touch to leave Kal permanently paralyzed.

Kal made his save and his plan had mostly worked; the lich was in an area of Silence and had foolishly put itself near melee. Culan came over and finished off the lich with a single attack then finally moved into combat with the horned devil.

The devil was faring much better. It was immune to the petty animals Kal had summoned and Mark and Culan were barely denting its hide, but Kineo was giving it some grief.

So it half-flew and half-jumped out of melee with Mark and Culan into melee with Kineo. One round later, Kineo was pulp.

Next, Mark ran around the obstacles to get back into melee with the devil.

Kal ran next to Culan and then Dimension Doored them next to Kineo. Culan then cast Revivify on Kineo and protected him with his tower shield (only possibly because Culan had cast Girallon’s Blessing on himself – giving him an extra set of arms).

Next the devil jumped/flew out of melee to put an end to Jaxil’s irritating habit of healing people. (Which really wasn’t very powerful at this point, he only had level 2 spells left for a whole 2d8+10 points of healing.)

Thanks to that devil’s spiked chain, Jaxil had a whole -8 hit points left.

From his prone position, and precarious hit point status (1hp), Kineo cast one more Orb spell at the devil, rolling a natural 1.

Mark and Culan once again rushed to get into melee, but missed on their swings.

What we didn’t know was that the devil had only 18 hit points remaining himself, had any one of us hit, it would have bought the farm.

So it teleported away, and I’m sure we’ll see it again another day.

And unless someone hands us that phylactery, I’m sure that lich will appear again someday as well.

I’m sure they’ll both bring more friends to that party.

But anyway, we quickly stabilized Jaxil at -9hp, looted the lich’s body, limped out of there, and called it a night.