Friday, July 21, 2006

Starting Anew

Well because Dale’s schedule for the next few months is occupied due to family responsibilities, Aaron is going to start up his campaign.

Aaron has yet to DM for us, and I’m ready to see what he has up his sleeve.

After Dale’s finished up game last week we finished creating our PCs.

Here is the basic setup:
- Stats will be created with a 32 point-buy.
- Setting is Forgotten Realms with the starting point being in the Dalelands, Daggerdale specifically.
- Beyond the core rules we are allowed to use the Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide and one other book of our choosing. The one book of our choosing is something I’m not to keen on. I prefer the all or nothing approach, but that’s just play-style and preferences.
- Our PCs are mercenaries separately signing up to work for the local people in charge. This nets us an additional 300gp in starting money and gives us a reason for why we got together without the cliché (but still usable) “you meet in a tavern”.
- We each had to submit to Aaron a list of 5 things that make our PC tick (similar to a background) and 5 rumors that may or may not be true. This was supposed to be secret but not everyone read that (ahem Dale & Mike).
- There will be little to no Zhentarim-related activity. Aaron keeps stressing that.
- Good-aligned PCs are required. If a PC goes evil, he magically becomes an NPC.

And that about covers the majority of our character development rules.

Because I’ve been playing some heavy casting characters recently, I called dibs on the fighter first. Hooray for me.

Then the rest of the group went for a more wilderness and sneaky group, so my dreams of having a tin can mercenary leader went out the window in yet another campaign.
So I switched to barbarian from the northlands, with Complete Warrior as my option book.

Brian has a human scout, using Complete Adventurer for his book.
Dale, when he can make it, will be playing an elf wizard, using Spell Compendium.
Mike will be playing either a druid or ranger, I don’t remember which one he finally decided on. Nor do I remember the book he chose.
Joy will be playing the party’s gold dwarf cleric. No clue about what her book choice is.

We also may have some new players joining us in the next few weeks, listen to the podcast to get filled in some more.

My PC is simple and straight forward human barbarian who wields a greataxe.
I’d tell you more about his background but I believe Aaron wants us to keep it to ourselves for the time being.
Barbarian + greataxe = some love for the poor d12.


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