Monday, December 27, 2004

Hoody Hoo!

Well I'm grinning from ear to ear right now. I just finished doing the happy dance.

In the "Summon Web Scryer" portion of Knights of the Dinner Table #98, this blog is listed.

AND they printed my story on their "Tales from the Table" section.
How Many Beatings Will It Take?
It's a story from about 5 years ago about Dale and me.

Soon my ego will be as big as my ars.

If anyone new is reading the blog, two important things:
#1) Start from the beginning. You can skim it though ;)
#2) E-mail me. It helps serve my vanity, and makes the work day go a little bit faster.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Session #9

Sorry about the delay. The holidays suck the free time right outta me (and most of the group as well).

On that note, this was the last session until January 7th, 2005.

Dale and Brian could not make it this week. So Dugan was played by Aaron and Dalron was played by Justin.

Luck played a big part in the game tonight. Namely the DM's luck. As part of the "Kid gloves are off" concept, I rolled all combat rolls in front of the group. I started off with average rolls. But in the final combat, single digits baby.

Day 8, Hour 4:

Room E21: We left off with the party doing some last minute healing after the hellwasp swarm beating. They then moved into the room and spiked the door to rest. In what would have been the last hour of rest, a group of 3 shadows moved through the door. Thunderclease was on guard, and he hoped to let the casters continue their rest and maybe him and Dalron could take on the shadows alone. Bad choice. While Thunderclease woke up Dalron, he was back attacked by a shadow while Zorak and Dalron were subjected to some near free hits. Combat ended on the 3rd round when Krieg finally woke up. But some serious damage had been done. Zorak was at a strength of 4 and thunderclease was down to 11. This combat set the tone for the rest of the night.

The group returned to room E20 rest. Twice. Krieg put the spell Lesser Restoration to full use. Krieg convinced the party that it was a good idea to head another direction. So they grabbed the door that was laying on its side from room E18 and laid it on the trap in room E16 (done by Dalron who nimbly dodged the resulting Fireball). After checking the door for traps and such, the party moved on to...

Rooms E15 & E14: Halls of portraits. Room E15 had 5 portraits (3 burned away from room E16) and room E14 had 8 portraits. Each one had a different subject, but each portrait mentioned the subject's duties in "the garrison" and when they died. Usually the death was at the hands of some fell creature after an earthquake.

Room E13: After much exploration (region E has several empty rooms with no description), the party found this room which appeared to be the study of an arcane spellcaster. But the party found many required components for some 1st-4th level arcane spells (notably a 100gp pearl). This would be the first of many good "finds" by the party.

After that, the group heads back to the eastern half of region E. When they open the north-south hallway near room E21, the party finds that there are Continual Flame spells cast about 10' apart.

Room E33: Prior to entering this room, the Dugan detects 4 objects of evil on the other side of the door. The party goes in ready to battle. They are not disappointed. The room appeared to be an armory with a recently deceased corpse of a humanoid creature, but before the group could investigate, shadows were upon them. The party was in a 5' wide hallway, meaning that melee had to be one on one in the hallway but since the shadows were in the room, they could do it two on one.

Here's some nasty things about shadows (for those reading this who don't know or remember). They deal no damage, but if they hit the victim loses 1d6 strength. Unless you're using a magical weapon, the damage has a 50% chance to miss. And worst of all, even though shadows are only +3 to hit, unless you're wearing magical armor, they ignore it .

Now poor thunderclease has a nice dex for a dwarf, but the DM was rolling average at this point. After the combat was over, Thunderclease was at 7 strength. Had Dugan not had a series of amazing turn rolls (a 4th level paladin with a 17 charisma requires a 19-20 natural roll to turn a shadow - he succeeded on this 3 out of 4 times).

Everyone in the party, except Thunderclease, was unscathed in the combat. And Thunderclease was whining like a little elf girl at a slaughterhouse for fluffy bunnies.

He shut up when Zorak cast a Detect Magic spell. There are 4 levels of magical intensity; Faint (level 1-3 spellcaster required), Moderate (4-6), Strong (7-9), & Overwhelming (10+). The platemail that was found was quickly ignored when the greatsword on the corpse registered as Overwhelming. And the one person in the group who uses a greatsword is...Thunderclease.

After his quick happydance, he went back to whining when he was told he would not get a chance to rest. Krieg slapped on another Lesser Restore and a Bull's Strength prior to entering...

Room E22: Once again, Dugan's Detect Evil saved the party from a nasty surprise. During the evening Dugan and Krieg had turned a number of shadows and the DM decided that this would be a good spot for the 4 of them hide. In the same room as their 4 brothers. This would be the marathon battle that even beat the Hellwasp Swarm in the number of rounds.

The room is small and so was the hallway. The group cast many pre-combat spells that would help them greatly; Magic Weapon, Bless, & Bull's Strength.

Thunderclease was not up in front this time around. Dugan was. He attempted to turn, and failed. Shadows nailed him good. Next round he stepped away and let someone else get up front. It was Thunderclease who had to do it, after he raged he had a 15 strength. He swung his new sword in combat. It connected, a light flashed from the sword, and the shadow was destroyed. (After the game I let Justin know that it was a +2 holy greatsword - it does 2d6+2 normally and an addition 2d6 to an evil creature.)

The group won out, but this was a combat that would not end. It started pretty even, but the shadows had numbers. Then the party started rolling poorly. Krieg's super-turning only destroyed 1 shadow. The meleers missed over 1/2 the time. Zorak could automatically hit with Magic Missiles, but it wasn't enough to do all the work.

Sadly the DM was the best ally for the party. The DM rolled in front of the players. The DM rolled "to-hit" (d20) and damage (d6) dice together. Rounds 1 & 2 went average. After that the rolls were consistenly single digit. Including one round with three attacks. The results: 1&1, 1&2, 3&6.

Combat was over. The party was worse for wear. Thunderclease & Krieg both had to remove their armor to be able to move.

They returned to room E20 once again...just reaallly slow.

And they leveled!
Thunderclease added a level of barbarian (brb4 / ftr1).
Krieg added a 5th level of cleric.
Zorak added a 5th level of sorcerer.
Dalron and Dugan will level when Dale & Brian makes it to the next session. Presumably they'll add a 5th level of rogue & paladin (respectively).

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Alrighty then

Ok, more people are reading this than I thought. So I will definitely continue to write about the group's adventures through (creepy voice)The World's Largest Dungeon.(/creepy voice)

I just wanted to make sure that more than a few were reading this thing. The people I knew who were reading it were mostly people I talk to nearly every week anyway. But it looks like there are enough are reading my ramblings.

So thanks to everyone who sent an e-mail to me.

Now as for what people would like to see on this blog...

#1) More boobs.
Sorry not a chance there. There's only guys in this group. And although many of us guys probably could (or should) wear a bra...well that's just nasty.

#2) How long will we be playing in the WLD?
Until there's a TPK or we get bored of it. Both are entirely possible. We stopped my other game to play this, plus Dale's getting itchy to run a game. There's a chance that we'll start alternating campaigns on a semiregular basis, but I want to see if the current region is much improved over region A. (So far the answer is yes)

#3) Do you have any other websites for your group?
Not for D&D. We have a Yahoogroup that we use to help with e-mails and such (like links to Jack Chick's "Oh no! Not Blackleaf!" page). I would like to have one, but that costs money. And I'm a tad cheap.

#4) Stats for the PCs.
I've been meaning to get around to this. I'll put up a quick note about each PC and their basic info sometime in the next couple of weeks.

#5) About the webcamera idea...
Yeah that blew. But I tried. It didn't work out all that well. Now I know. "And knowing is half the battle." ...or... "The moral is, never try."

#6) Can you give some tips on running the WLD?
First is that region A had some last minute trouble during final stages of its release (at least that is my understanding). So it gives a lot of people who run the WLD a couple sessions of fun fighting goblinoids, fiendish rats, fiendish darkmantles, and fiendish stirges but those get boring by the fourth week. So change it. Make it more to yours and your group's liking. Not everything you have read in this blog is 100% pure WLD. I changed many things around to make the module more fit to my style of running (I am a bastard DM - my players will back me up on that). I had to change Longtail around because Joe was playing the WLD with another group for awhile - so I made Pwok and his buddy Deltin. I also used E-tools to create a few more fiendish critters just for some variety.
Second, let the players screw things up on their own but be ready to help them. If they stick around in a fight that is obviously not going to end well for them, that is not your problem. Don't pull the punches. The WLD gets harder and harder with every region. Now I know I made the hellwasp swarm weaker, but I also pushed the parties buttons (I believe my actual rant referred to them as "candy-assed pansies"). But I also let the party know their about to change regions.
Third, don't read too much into the book unless you have an eidetic memory. I am only reading as much as is needed to allow me to focus on that region alone. With 100+ rooms per region and multiple factions acting within a region, I'm not about to spread myself too thin. Now that doesn't mean I won't skim over a few other regions just to help with foreshadowing and whatnot.
And finally, delegate some work to the players. Aaron helps me out by keeping track of time in the dungeon and laying out the map on the table. That probably saves 1/2 an hour a night. When you only play about 4 hours a night, 3 nights a month, that adds up.

#7) What's with Dalron? Why does he keep getting clobbered?
That's just Dale. Dale has three bad things going against him.
First off, he is an old school D&D man. He used to have the 1st edition AD&D DMG memorized. But he still has trouble going from 1E AD&D to 3.5E D&D. It causes some indirect problems when it comes to game mechanics.
Second, Dale loves his ideas but doesn't quite think them through or doesn't give them the time required. When the ogre pounded Dalron to jelly in region A, it was because he didn't want to spend a whole extra round to safely get behind the ogre. So he decided to run past the ogre's nice, long weapon reach. Say hello to my little club (2d6+7).
Third and most importantly; the dice just hate Dale. Actually he just has some major hot and cold streaks. He can roll 20 after 20 and then he'll think he's on a roll and starts taking some risks and pays the price. Other nights his die rolls will "suck-diddly-uck" and he'll be afraid try anything. It kind of creates a cycle.

#8) Are you that long winded?
Yeah. But at the moment I'm at work and I can't concrentrate, I'm having some trouble with a task, it's Friday, and it's the holiday season. So I'm just piling it on. Ok, no one actually asked me this question, but I felt it was needed.

#9) This question was asked by someone who I believe was only 12-13 when he was attempting to watch us play on the webcam. I didn't have time to answer him then. What do you say when people ask you about playing D&D?
I'm honest with them. I say, "Yes I play Dungeons & Dragons." I don't say it with any special emotion. They usually follow it up with a "why do you play it" or a "how do you win it" kind of question. My response is pretty much along the lines of "It's simply a reason for guys to get together and do something. When 6 guys get together and watch a football game on TV and yell and scream and such, they could just be doing it alone. But the game itself is the excuse most guys need to socialize."
Now if you have a religious nutbar asking you the question...well good luck. I've had no luck changing the opinions of people who have already made up their mind about the game even though the only stories they've heard is from a friend-of-a-friend-who-knew-this-kid-who-did-something-evil. You could have all the proof in the world to refute their claims, but that never matters. I'll stop there before I start ranting.

Now all I ask of all of you is to let me know what you like, what you don't like, and most of all, that you're still reading it.

As always, send your e-mails to Sean Nester at
I like receiving the e-mails & comments.

Session #8

Well everyone was present this session, and we're probably going to do 1 more session for the year. Everyone's mood was subdued in the same manner as last week. Combination Xmas money crunch mixed with the winter blues. Plus the action was pretty much not around for the first half of the night.

But at least Dale was happy. He was rolling dice all night. Others napped. Mental note: keep ketchup packets and croutons around for people foolish enough to fall asleep within arms reach of me.

I also tossed in a new mechanic to this campaign. It's not a true new mechanic. It's been used before. The higher in levels you go into D&D, the more and more you come into the possibility where a single die roll can kill a character, even a fully rested and prepared one. And I told the group that once they leave Region A, the "kid gloves" are off. Meaning that the DM will allow the dice rolls stand. Twice in the past 7 sessions I have had to adjust the game in some way simply to allow a character to live (they did have an XP penalty though). So now, every level the PC's get a single "re-roll point". If a roll will directly kill a PC, the player of that can choose to re-roll one die or can choose to have the DM re-roll one die. The points are not accumulative and you only get 1 when you level.

One PC had to use his point. One guess as to who that PC was. (Anyone who's read this blog probably knows.) :)

Day 7, 7AM.

We last stopped with the PC's in room A113. From there the PC's move on to investigate more of Region A. And, as always, the group is very paranoid and they investigate every door for traps, listen for noises, and detect for evil behind it. Also, on a similar note, whenever they find equipment they almost always cast Detect Magic spells to make sure they aren't letting any magic slip through their fingers.

Room A111: This room has 2 pillars that had rusty blades jutting from out of them. In between the 2 pillars are the bones of some unspecified victim. Dalron investigates the pillars. He determines that the blades can be pushed up into the pillars, and then pillars can be pushed up into the ceiling. But the resetting mechanism failed to work the last time it was triggered, so all the exposed mechanisms began to rust. Although Dalron believed he could reset the trap, he wisely chose not to.

Room A112: This room was hot. The group peered into the room and found a door out and a bronze plate with a rune upon it. The group does not enter the room at first. Dalron cautiously moved into the room to investigate the door and the rune. The door was locked, but the mechanism was on this side, so no big deal. He then attempted to decipher the rune. But nothing seemed to jump out at him. He returned to the group and downed a full waterskin. Dugan (or Krieg - I've forgotten) then decided to investigate the rune, with the same results. He returned to the group and also chugged a full waterskin.

The players wanted to know more about this room. So upon the players promising to not return to the room, the DM told them. If you stepped on the metal plate, a fire erupted from it for a full minute. If you were lawful or good, you were healed 2d8+3 hit points and you were healed of all poisons and ability damage. If you were chaotic or evil, you were damaged for 2d8+3. If you were lawful good and stayed on the plate for the full minute, you gained a permanent fire resistance 5.

The group then started discussing where to go next. Do they investigate region A more, or move on to another region. The DM then told them that when the portal became unstable after increasing in size, a lot more fiendish critters poured out into the region. The result was a lot more of the rooms being empty.

So now a discussion began about where to go. The DM said that region B was a goblin dominated area and region E was "odd". As he had not read much of either zone, that's all he could guide them on. A vote was held, 3 to 2 to go into region B.

So let me introduce Region B...

Room B1: An old dusty hallway. The party travels north along the left path of it. Dugan, upon going up to the door, gets by a scything blade trap for some minor damage. Dalron then removes the trap.

Room B2: An empty, abandoned guard post with graffiti written in goblin. Thunderclease (being both literate and knowledgeable in goblin) determines it to say something about "the big stinky ones" & "G'rrrd'" with diagram referring to "He who growls" and "victory". Dugan finds the secret door to room B4 that is stuck. After some difficulty, the door is opened with the aid of the battering ram that Krieg had forgotten that he was carrying.

Room B4: Armory. The group finds several slings, spears, clubs, and 2 barrels full of sling stones. But all of the weapons are of poor workmanship and some would do less damage. The group finds little of value here.

They return to room B1 and go through the right hallway. Dalron goes up to check the door, on his way up there, a pit opens up beneath him and he plummets into it. The pit is only 20' deep but has spikes as well. He takes some minor damage and with some difficulty he is able to get out of the pit. He then attempts to disarm the trap, but fails to do so. So the party grabs all of the weapons from room B4,including the barrels of sling stones and dumps them into the pit. Since the pit is only 5' across, then group is able to jump across after some equipment juggling.

Room B5: This room is a room full of traps and a nice bit of bait. Across the room is a golden idol with emerald eyes and a pearl belly button. The group smells a rat but can't let the idol just sit there. So Dalron goes to work once again. Just about every square in the room is trapped. And the doorway itself is trapped to collapse onto the group's heads. The first set of traps drops shards of metal onto its victim and then the shards stay on the floor to act as caltrops. The second sets tosses poisoned parts at the unlucky target. Dalron triggers one of each trap on the way up to the idol, and upon return trip to the door, triggers a 2nd dart trap when he fails to jump over a known trigger that he couldn't remove.

And to add insult to injury, the idol, which Dalron estimated to be worth 5000gp, turned to dust when he crossed the threshold to the door and reappeared in its original spot.

So then the frustrated group decides that some stupid room won't get the best of them so they go to the wall behind the idol and try to hammer and chisel their way through it. All they succeed in doing is hurt their equipment.

Then the group travels to the hallway that is connected to room B6. They discover a passage to region F (the DM always warns them about this kind of situation). Zorak hears some growling from the door across the hall. But first the group investigates...

Room B6: Empty big room. Note: This was not originally an empty room, but the room was a mirror room that is just irritating and tends to eat up time while the party tries to find out where they just were. So, I dumped it. And the group was starting to grumble about there being "no action".

The group then checks out the door to the room that had growling. No evil is detected. Dalron finds that the door is designed to swing shut if no one holds it open. They open the door to find that they can't see anything more than 5' in front of them. Although this is their chance for some action, they wuss out the door close before even entering the room.

Room B7: The party opens this door and finds that room's floor is about 6" lower than the last room. And from this door to the next are circular slabs (2' diameter) of stone that seem to be mounted on springs. AND "the walls are pitted and uneven, as if acid smoke eroded the finish". Krieg tosses a couple of sling stones onto one of the disks and nothing happens. Then he tosses one onto the floor and the door slams shut in his face (causing some knuckle-scrape damage). They try to open the door to no avail. So they listen to the door and hear some water-splashing sounds. So the group lets this room go and moves on.

Room B11: The hall to this room gets cold. Inside this room are 3 chain links that seem to move about the center of the room of their own accord. When Thunderclease enters the room the door slams shut behind and the room gets even colder. After about 2 minutes, he is able to solve the puzzle of the 3 rings and the door opens. Because he is so hardy, he suffers only 6 points of damage from the biting cold.

Room B12: This room opens up to a ledge and a pit with writhing snakes at the bottom of the pit.

This is the last straw for the group. They head on to Region E.

So let me introduce Region E...

The group travels to this room from the 3rd entry from region A to Region E.

Room E17: This hallway was more of a room with big alcoves. It was full of old empty weapon racks and blood stains. Hiding amongst the shadows were 3 undead shadows. Two of them retained enough knowledge to be able to recognize a cleric. So the fighters had 1 to fight and the rear of the group had 2. Round 1 involved Krieg being attacked by two shadows and being drained of some strength, but on his action he got rid of 2 of them by using his Greater Turning (a domain ability granted by Lathander). The last one didn't light much longer, mostly because it ran for the hills.

Room E16: This room was once a hall of portraits. But a resetting fireball trap ruined them long ago. Dalron stumbled upon the trap. But he lucked out and made his save. And being a 4th level rogue, he took no damage from it...this time. He investigated the door at the other end of the room to make sure it was worth sending the whole party through the room. But on his way back he thought he had determined where the trap was triggered. But what he didn't know was that whole center of the room was trapped (and he had failed disarming the trap before). And this time he failed his save and would have gone to -11 hp had he not used his "re-roll" point to get a new save roll.

After that, the party travelled in another direction.

Room E18: This room had 2 doorways. One the party entered through, and another that was boarded up, but let nowhere. Lying next to the doorway was a door off of its hinges. Krieg came up with the idea to use the door to set it on top of the trigger for the fireball trap in room E16. But this was not done because the group chose to head in a different direction.

Room E20: The secret door to this room had an invisible Glyph of Warding (sonic blast version). While investigating the door, Dalron was able to dodge the trap. But later while Thunderclease was succussfully bashing in the door, he took a last blast from the trap.

Inside the room was a pedestal with a staff laid upon it. Next to the staff was a corpse dressed in battered platemail holding a flail and shield. Detect magic showed that the staff was very magical, there was a magic field around the pedestal, and the corpse's shield was magical.

When Thunderclease tried to grab the staff, he once again was blasted by a sonic spell trap. He was able to hold on to the staff while the rest of the group was investigating the corpse. Then a minute later the spell on the staff reset and hit Thunderclease again. And then once more before he placed the staff back on the pedestal.

The group's investigation of the determined that it was an aasimar who died of old age. So taking a chance, Dugan grabbed the staff, with no ill effects.

The group rested in this room and moved on after paying respects to the aasimar.

Room E21: The Hell's Swarm. The group heard some loud angry buzzing sounds coming from the door to this room. The group decided to move on, until the DM made some comment about the group whining about no real combat and then running everytime they found something to fight. Well that did the trick and was nearly a TPK.

This combat lasted probably 7 or 8 rounds, and forced the group to use nearly every resource they had to fight it.

Shortly after the combat began, the DM realized that there was no way the party would survive this combat. Even if they ran, someone would have to be sacrificed.

Here is the critter:
Hellwasp Swarm: CR8, 12d10+27 (90hp), Init +10, Speed 40', AC20/20/14, Attack +12 (swarm), damage (3d6+poison) + swarm, Damage reduction 10/magic, darkvision 60', hive mind, swarm traits
Modifications: changed CR to 6, removed: immunity to weapon damage, nausea, fire resistance 10
Swarm traits mean that if the swarm starts its turn in the same square as someone, it automatically does damage.

Even with all the changes, Dugan was put into negative hp, Thunderclease was put into negative hp, and both Krieg and Zorak used nearly every single offensive spell at their disposal (all Dalron could do was to pull unconscious party members from the swarm). But eventually they were able to defeat it.

More next week :)

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Session #7

This was a bit of a short session.
The Holidays are upon us, and everyone seems to be in a relaxed mood.
Unfortunately this mood does not help gaming. Even without the everspeaking Joe, the group didn't get much done.

Brian and Joe were not at this session. Brian's character Dugan was played by Aaron. Joe's character Zorak was played by Justin.

Session #7 map

Room A103: We stopped Session #6 with the group fleeing this room as the portal grew much larger and it appeared that more creatures were about to pour through. So they fled to room A41. While on their way, when they were running through room A45. They felt an earthquake come from the general direction of room A103.

They rested and leveled!
Thunderclease added a 3rd level of barbarian (3rd brb/1st ftr).
Dugan added a 4th level of paladin.
Krieg added a 4th level of cleric.
Zorak added a 4th level of sorcerer.
Dalron leveled after room A103, but when he did he added a 4th level of rogue.

While resting the party went through the items they took from Deltin and Pwok(Longtail). Of real interest was the notes that Pwok had kept about the portal. Most important to the group was the process of concentration that would close the portal.

The group returned to A103 through the secret door to find bodies everywhere. But nothing living was found, so they thought. Zorak and Krieg began to concentrate on closing the portal as how the notes stated. But during that time, the creatures that created the mess of bodies returned. A pair of fiendish winter wolves surrounded the party. Also, the imp of Pwok's could not allow the portal to be closed for his own reasons so he joined in the fight. Unfortunately for him, the wolves didn't care about his plans and between a nasty blow from Thunderclease and a winter wolf's icy breath, the imp is no more. The party took a good beating, but all survived.

Rooms A101 & A102: Nothing but torn to shred orc & kobold bodies. Dalron (well actually Dale) joked that it was the work of a fiendish owlbear. Nobody likes it when Dale's right.

Room A100: The party hears the sounds of loud growling and intense fighting coming from this room. When they get to the open doorway, they see a feathered 8 foot tall beast fighting half a dozen fiendish darkmantles. And of course, it's got that fiendish look in its eye. It immediately changed targets to the party (the darkmantles scrammed fast). Target number #1 was Dugan.

Round #1: The party engages the owlbear in melee. It smites good against Dugan with a claw for some nasty damage. Zorak casts Magic Missile and beats the spell resistance, but the spell has no effect.

Round #2: Zorak tries Magic Missile again, with the same results. The owlbear hits Dugan with both claws and its bite and successfully grapples Dugan. Dugan, down to 2 hp, uses his lay on hands on himself. (On a sad note for the DM, the DM's damage rolls for d8+3 x2(2 claws) and d6+6 (1 bite) were 2, 1, & 1 for a total damage of 12)

Round #3: The party gets the owlbear down to exactly 0hp. This gives the owlbear exactly one action. The owlbear gets one last free bite at the paladin (its fiendish and evil and he's a walking moral majority). It does some minor damage to the paladin and promptly falls to -1 hp. The party makes damn sure it makes its way to -10hp.

Room A115: Treasure Room! Well it used to be. Orcs got here first. Now its nothing but piles of destroyed containers.

Rooms A113 & A114: This was an odd room that had a single 5'x5' tile that was different from the rest. When Thunderclease jumped on the tile, he was dimension doored to room A114. Unfortunately for him, this was an airtight prison room. Not caring about the dead orcs in the, he worried more about him being unable to breath. He promptly jumped off of the corresponding tile in this room and then back onto it. Luckily for him it worked both ways.