The Valley - the New Campaign
Ok, I’m going to have to make sure this whole new Valley thing doesn’t suck.
I’ve put too much work into.
I’ve talked way too much about it.
I’ve asked the players to do more work than usual.
But I think all of the work will pay off.
I’ve almost finished the adventure for the first night and I hope it goes off as I plan it.
All of my previous attempts at grand beginnings to a campaign came off a bit lacking, usually due to a missed detail. Not that the campaigns were bad, just the first nights weren’t as kick-ass as I had wanted.
This time I believe I have that covered. I’m simply not going to do anything over-the-top…yet.
The only thing that could bring down the night is a player not getting in to it. This shouldn’t be a problem unless a player totally hates their setup and decided to not say anything to me the past week.
Everyone, eventually sent me their back-stories, and modified them to give each PC something more than just “I’m a wizard looking for ancient magic. I have 100gp, and 22 build points.”
Justin, somewhat surprisingly had the best back-stories, even though he only made 2 PC’s (and I’m not saying he was the only one with good stories).
He gave one of his PC’s claustrophobia (minor case). I added special rules for the condition and a personal quest that would remove the condition.
Aaron will be unable to play the first session of the game, which makes introducing his PC a bit easier.
Here’s our cast of characters:
Mike will be playing Kergan Pathfinder, a dwarven rogue with experience in dealing with goblin-laid traps in the mines of Silverhome.
Scott will be playing Admon Silverblade, a young human wizard looking to make his own fortune and not use his family’s.
Dale will be playing Ander, a popular halfling sorcerer hero who mysteriously appeared in the Valley on the wings of a thunderstorm.
Justin will be playing Duncan, a Silverhome dwarven priest of Moradin who is on a path to power.
And finally Aaron will be playing Edward Winston Wootenmorgan VII, a human paladin of Brekaneth who feels he isn’t getting the respect her deserves.
The first session will be set at the time of the ceremony for Edward to receive his last blessings and be granted the holy arms and armor due the younger paladin of Brekaneth.
This next bit is some general information about NPC’s, organizations, and places within the Valley.
Brandon Accord
Brandon is one of the seven city council members and the first person from outside the Valley to obtain such a position. Many credit his charisma and genuine good nature for his elected position.
Father Jason Adrek
Father Jason represents the Church of Brekaneth in the city council.
In recent years he has toned down his rhetoric for the cleansing of all goblins, orcs, and arcanists. But it generally assumed that he still thinks it, he just doesn’t say it.
Audhild Balderk
This disgusting, old, fat, greedy, ironmonger dwarf woman is tolerated for three reasons: She’s a master potion maker, she’s a seer, and she has helped the Valley many times in her long years there.
City Council
The city council is a blending of several cultures forced together for survival. In recent years the incessant bickering and power playing of the council forced the creation of a mayoral post in the hopes that a single person can take care of the unimportant and mundane tasks that the council itself can’t deal with in the midst of their arguing.
Beyond that the council itself has worked well for a long time thanks to the hard work of its members for the past 200+ years.
It consists of 7 total members; 1 from the elven community, 1 from the Ironmonger dwarves, one from the Church of Brekaneth, and 4 elected from the main populace of the city.
Crater Lake
This circular lake sits near the center of the Valley and is now believed to be the location where the great spell was cast so many years ago.
While the water is potable, it has the smell of goblins to it as some of the water comes from areas inhabited by that unclean race.
Death’s Head Crag
This is simply a large rock perched above the city. It has a vaguely skull-shaped appearance.
Originally several buildings were built in the location, but much weathering and a small earthquake appears to have weakened its perch.
The subsequent drop in land value means that only the desperately poor and unseemly people live there.
Dhryveg Gorn
Dhryveg is the leader of the Ironmonger dwarves and is well known to be the personification of opportunism and greed. His slick tongue, quick mind, and ruthless business acumen has made him the richest person in the Valley.
He was once on the city council, but resigned when allegations of him supplying weapons to renegade members of the Church of Brekaneth were made public. After his resignation he was never charged with any crimes, something he said was proof that he had done nothing wrong and his resignation was only to calm emotions in the Valley for the good of all.
Horgred Gorn
Horgred is the nephew of Dhryveg Gorn who replaced him on the city council once Dhryveg resigned.
Guard Towers
Two tiers of guard towers ring the exposed side of the city.
The first tier is a long series of walls interspersed with guard towers approximately every 500’ and surrounded the city where there were not any of the rocky spires from the Valley to protect the city.
The second tier of towers was meant more for scouting and guard posts to protect those not living within the city, such as farmers.
Now the majority of the second tier towers lie abandoned due to economic cutbacks, or were bought from the city by wizards looking for some privacy outside the city.
Rushgar Hammersmith
Rushgar is the leader of the Silverhome dwarves.
In addition to his never-ending work in Silverhome, he seeks to purge the Valley of goblins, who always seem to find secret ways into the extended network of mines of Silverhome.
Thlyria Isara
Thlyria is the elven representative to the city council and has been since Ivellios Galanodil’s disappearance.
Ilustaria Joron
Ilustaria has been an elected member of the city council off an on for six decades. Her electors tend to be from the non-human populace living in the city.
This elven lady is a fierce protector of the Valley, and leader of the Perceptors.
Her tactical prowess saved the Valley from the Sordimar horde as much as any archmage.
William “Bull” McAllister
Owner of the Roaring Bull Inn
He bought the rundown drinking hole known as The Golden Grog a few years back. He rebuilt the place and his eye for ne’er-do-wells helped changed the way the clientele in short order.
The Roaring Bull Inn is now known as a place for all.
In spite of his aggressive nature, he is a very good person and will go out of his way to help someone, so long as they’re willing to help themselves.
Perceptors were once the crowd control police of the city. They were in place to both protect the city from goblin attacks, but also to put down any riots that came as a result of lack of foot or rebellion.
In the years since, there has been no need for insurrection control, and the Perceptors have become more defensive in nature.
Though Perceptors are fighting mages (usually wizards with fighting multiclassing) they are not artillery type. Their roles tend to be controlling battles and letting soldiers do what is needed.
Polaris is the scarred silver dragon that was once the “monster of Silver Lake” that was rarely seen, and generally considered myth.
Now he is a rarely seen and unofficial protector of the city. Usually those sent looking for him never find him.
Mayor Xavius Ryan
Xavius is a charismatic half-elf who won his office with a smile.
Mayor Ryan is the stereotypical politician, who always smiles, knows the right things to say, and is very well liked.
Since this new position of mayor is only given menial jobs the city council doesn’t want to deal with, the position is mostly ceremonial.
Silver Lake
Silver Lake was named for the special way it reflected moonlight with a more silvery sheen than expected.
It is currently believed that the presence of Polaris caused this effect.
The waters are otherwise very cool and clean due to much mountain water.
Goblins consider the place haunted.
Possibly the mightiest archmage in the Valley, Tonus is the representative for what’s left of Magus Sanctus, an organization seeking to keep magic viewed positively by putting it to good use in the world.
Tonus is very old, even for an eladrin, but remains very active.
He fights the ennui of the ancient with puzzles and games, and enjoys watching children play during recess. Several accident-prone children owe him much.
Girvan Torl
Girvan is the Elder Paladin of Brekaneth, and makes an imposing figure when he’s fully armored and speaks with his deep and authoritative voice.
He lives the idol life that a paladin of Brekaneth should, but has been known to make it known that he is not happy with particular aspects of his church, specifically how the rich have more sway in the church than they should.
It is slightly lesser known that he considers the soon to be Lesser Paladin of Brekaneth an example of the rich interfering in church matters.
Him and Mayor Ryan have long been friends, and they take each others council quite seriously.
Hilfan Tryst
Hilfan is an ancient human who should have retired from being on the city council years ago, but she refuses to step, or possibly even die.
Aegris Zahn
Aegris is an elected member of the city council. Many consider his recent election to be a fluke as his supporters are not what can be called honorable citizens.
This silver-haired half-elf is the second in command of the Perceptors and step-son of Ivellios Galanodil.
I’ve put too much work into.
I’ve talked way too much about it.
I’ve asked the players to do more work than usual.
But I think all of the work will pay off.
I’ve almost finished the adventure for the first night and I hope it goes off as I plan it.
All of my previous attempts at grand beginnings to a campaign came off a bit lacking, usually due to a missed detail. Not that the campaigns were bad, just the first nights weren’t as kick-ass as I had wanted.
This time I believe I have that covered. I’m simply not going to do anything over-the-top…yet.
The only thing that could bring down the night is a player not getting in to it. This shouldn’t be a problem unless a player totally hates their setup and decided to not say anything to me the past week.
Everyone, eventually sent me their back-stories, and modified them to give each PC something more than just “I’m a wizard looking for ancient magic. I have 100gp, and 22 build points.”
Justin, somewhat surprisingly had the best back-stories, even though he only made 2 PC’s (and I’m not saying he was the only one with good stories).
He gave one of his PC’s claustrophobia (minor case). I added special rules for the condition and a personal quest that would remove the condition.
Aaron will be unable to play the first session of the game, which makes introducing his PC a bit easier.
Here’s our cast of characters:
Mike will be playing Kergan Pathfinder, a dwarven rogue with experience in dealing with goblin-laid traps in the mines of Silverhome.
Scott will be playing Admon Silverblade, a young human wizard looking to make his own fortune and not use his family’s.
Dale will be playing Ander, a popular halfling sorcerer hero who mysteriously appeared in the Valley on the wings of a thunderstorm.
Justin will be playing Duncan, a Silverhome dwarven priest of Moradin who is on a path to power.
And finally Aaron will be playing Edward Winston Wootenmorgan VII, a human paladin of Brekaneth who feels he isn’t getting the respect her deserves.
The first session will be set at the time of the ceremony for Edward to receive his last blessings and be granted the holy arms and armor due the younger paladin of Brekaneth.
This next bit is some general information about NPC’s, organizations, and places within the Valley.
Brandon Accord
Brandon is one of the seven city council members and the first person from outside the Valley to obtain such a position. Many credit his charisma and genuine good nature for his elected position.
Father Jason Adrek
Father Jason represents the Church of Brekaneth in the city council.
In recent years he has toned down his rhetoric for the cleansing of all goblins, orcs, and arcanists. But it generally assumed that he still thinks it, he just doesn’t say it.
Audhild Balderk
This disgusting, old, fat, greedy, ironmonger dwarf woman is tolerated for three reasons: She’s a master potion maker, she’s a seer, and she has helped the Valley many times in her long years there.
City Council
The city council is a blending of several cultures forced together for survival. In recent years the incessant bickering and power playing of the council forced the creation of a mayoral post in the hopes that a single person can take care of the unimportant and mundane tasks that the council itself can’t deal with in the midst of their arguing.
Beyond that the council itself has worked well for a long time thanks to the hard work of its members for the past 200+ years.
It consists of 7 total members; 1 from the elven community, 1 from the Ironmonger dwarves, one from the Church of Brekaneth, and 4 elected from the main populace of the city.
Crater Lake
This circular lake sits near the center of the Valley and is now believed to be the location where the great spell was cast so many years ago.
While the water is potable, it has the smell of goblins to it as some of the water comes from areas inhabited by that unclean race.
Death’s Head Crag
This is simply a large rock perched above the city. It has a vaguely skull-shaped appearance.
Originally several buildings were built in the location, but much weathering and a small earthquake appears to have weakened its perch.
The subsequent drop in land value means that only the desperately poor and unseemly people live there.
Dhryveg Gorn
Dhryveg is the leader of the Ironmonger dwarves and is well known to be the personification of opportunism and greed. His slick tongue, quick mind, and ruthless business acumen has made him the richest person in the Valley.
He was once on the city council, but resigned when allegations of him supplying weapons to renegade members of the Church of Brekaneth were made public. After his resignation he was never charged with any crimes, something he said was proof that he had done nothing wrong and his resignation was only to calm emotions in the Valley for the good of all.
Horgred Gorn
Horgred is the nephew of Dhryveg Gorn who replaced him on the city council once Dhryveg resigned.
Guard Towers
Two tiers of guard towers ring the exposed side of the city.
The first tier is a long series of walls interspersed with guard towers approximately every 500’ and surrounded the city where there were not any of the rocky spires from the Valley to protect the city.
The second tier of towers was meant more for scouting and guard posts to protect those not living within the city, such as farmers.
Now the majority of the second tier towers lie abandoned due to economic cutbacks, or were bought from the city by wizards looking for some privacy outside the city.
Rushgar Hammersmith
Rushgar is the leader of the Silverhome dwarves.
In addition to his never-ending work in Silverhome, he seeks to purge the Valley of goblins, who always seem to find secret ways into the extended network of mines of Silverhome.
Thlyria Isara
Thlyria is the elven representative to the city council and has been since Ivellios Galanodil’s disappearance.
Ilustaria Joron
Ilustaria has been an elected member of the city council off an on for six decades. Her electors tend to be from the non-human populace living in the city.
This elven lady is a fierce protector of the Valley, and leader of the Perceptors.
Her tactical prowess saved the Valley from the Sordimar horde as much as any archmage.
William “Bull” McAllister
Owner of the Roaring Bull Inn
He bought the rundown drinking hole known as The Golden Grog a few years back. He rebuilt the place and his eye for ne’er-do-wells helped changed the way the clientele in short order.
The Roaring Bull Inn is now known as a place for all.
In spite of his aggressive nature, he is a very good person and will go out of his way to help someone, so long as they’re willing to help themselves.
Perceptors were once the crowd control police of the city. They were in place to both protect the city from goblin attacks, but also to put down any riots that came as a result of lack of foot or rebellion.
In the years since, there has been no need for insurrection control, and the Perceptors have become more defensive in nature.
Though Perceptors are fighting mages (usually wizards with fighting multiclassing) they are not artillery type. Their roles tend to be controlling battles and letting soldiers do what is needed.
Polaris is the scarred silver dragon that was once the “monster of Silver Lake” that was rarely seen, and generally considered myth.
Now he is a rarely seen and unofficial protector of the city. Usually those sent looking for him never find him.
Mayor Xavius Ryan
Xavius is a charismatic half-elf who won his office with a smile.
Mayor Ryan is the stereotypical politician, who always smiles, knows the right things to say, and is very well liked.
Since this new position of mayor is only given menial jobs the city council doesn’t want to deal with, the position is mostly ceremonial.
Silver Lake
Silver Lake was named for the special way it reflected moonlight with a more silvery sheen than expected.
It is currently believed that the presence of Polaris caused this effect.
The waters are otherwise very cool and clean due to much mountain water.
Goblins consider the place haunted.
Possibly the mightiest archmage in the Valley, Tonus is the representative for what’s left of Magus Sanctus, an organization seeking to keep magic viewed positively by putting it to good use in the world.
Tonus is very old, even for an eladrin, but remains very active.
He fights the ennui of the ancient with puzzles and games, and enjoys watching children play during recess. Several accident-prone children owe him much.
Girvan Torl
Girvan is the Elder Paladin of Brekaneth, and makes an imposing figure when he’s fully armored and speaks with his deep and authoritative voice.
He lives the idol life that a paladin of Brekaneth should, but has been known to make it known that he is not happy with particular aspects of his church, specifically how the rich have more sway in the church than they should.
It is slightly lesser known that he considers the soon to be Lesser Paladin of Brekaneth an example of the rich interfering in church matters.
Him and Mayor Ryan have long been friends, and they take each others council quite seriously.
Hilfan Tryst
Hilfan is an ancient human who should have retired from being on the city council years ago, but she refuses to step, or possibly even die.
Aegris Zahn
Aegris is an elected member of the city council. Many consider his recent election to be a fluke as his supporters are not what can be called honorable citizens.
This silver-haired half-elf is the second in command of the Perceptors and step-son of Ivellios Galanodil.
Loved the cut scene, comic book start-it was a lot of fun-dalester
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