Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Session #45

Well this session didn’t quite go as I had expected. But it didn’t go badly.

As for any downloading of a recording of our session, well that’s not going to happen.
We were pretty bad this session.

Heck we didn’t even really get started until about 8pm. And even then we didn’t really get started.

But eh, as you can see by the map, there was lots of exploration.


The dot on the map is where the party started after solidifying from the Wind Walk spell.

They immediately began to cast their buff spells.
Primary amongst these spells was Antimagic Field.
The party is quite afraid of Invistis and any potential attack he might harass them with.

Room N200: Empty room.

As with most of the empty rooms, they are empty because the party has wreaked havoc on this region. Once the party takes down a warlord, the warlord’s servants run into hiding.

Room N202: This room had 4 large pillars with large runes written upon the pillars. They may have had something interesting written upon them, but the party wasn’t interested.
On everything in the room was a thick, flowing, black fluid that had the iron-tainted smell of fresh blood.

Not liking the looks of this, the party moved on. I suspect that this reminded them too much of region I.

Room N209: The halls of this area had the same black, blood-like substance as they had seen in the runed column room.

Thanks to the Antimagic Field, the party had to do a little dance when detecting things.
Since Valden had the spell on him, he had to hang back from the scouting side of the party.
First Krieg would go take a look the door to the room using his Arcane Sight, which he cast using Miracle. It showed that there were 2 spells on the door.
Then Senmonious would use Detect Evil behind the door. He got something to register strong Evil. And he detected a diffused faint evil all behind the door, which they attributed to the black-blood stuff.
And just in case, Krieg had cast Imbue with Spell Ability on Thunderclease and gave him the spell Find Traps.

That gave Cleez a small chance to find a trap. So maybe once he could become a trap-finder instead of a trap-springer.

But Cleez’s trap-finding was not. All they did was use their Wand of Knock on the door then have Valden come up to the door, effectively suppressing the magical trap, and then they opened the door.

Inside they found a large onyx coffin, at least 6 feet wide, set up on a stepped, stone dais.
They closely investigated it and some believed that this may be where Invistis rested. But that was dismissed when they noticed the small silver stitching that was holding the lid in place.

They decided to leave the coffin alone. Whatever was inside was going to stay inside.

Room N208: This room wasn’t empty. But it was shortly after the party opened the door. Inside were 2 dread wraiths.

The wraiths immediately recognized the party, and fled.

Room N203: This room I shall nickname “Poetic Justice”.

Jeff: “I can’t believe the number of traps we’re bypassing with Antimagic Field.”
Aaron: “Yeah, a non-magical trap is probably about to kill us.”
The group gives a small laugh.
The DM laughs too, but really because of the irony.

The party had so far this session ruined several traps thanks to their Antimagic Field.
But this room had a purely mechanical trap.
Cleez’s magically imbued trapfinding found him nothing.
But, as usual, he sprang it.
It was a simple crushing trap where the ceiling drops down onto the floor in a 10’ x 10’ area. It takes a full round for that to happen, and then another round for it to reset.
The party tried to use their Immovable Rod to make it safe for the rest of the party to pass through.
The result was a thoroughly crushed and worthless Immovable Rod.
The party was easily able to get through the trap with the right timing afterwards.

Room N210: Another empty room that used to not be empty.

Room N211: This room had several odd looking statues in it.
The party did some quick searching, found nothing, and moved on.

Room N223: Four iron golems stood in the 4 corners of this room, guarding it. The party, being a little too sure of themselves, charged in.
But thanks to the Antimagic Field, they had put themselves at a disadvantage.
Since Cleez was inside of it, he was regular old shield dwarf Cleez.
Even though Cleez had done much damage in his 1 round, and Sen had done some, the golems did over 60 to Sen and 80 to Cleez.
So the party stepped out of the room, and the golems closed the door.

The party decided that they’ll come back later, and they’ll pay a little more attention where Valden was standing, since the Antimagic Field was around him.

Room N213: Another crushing trap, this one even easier to avoid than before. Except this time, no magic items were destroyed.

Room N232: This room wasn’t empty, but should have been. Many zombies were hanging from ropes. And even had the party killed them, they would have reanimated in a day.

Room N233: Another trap foiled by Antimagic Field.

Room N223: This time the party decides to return to the golems.

This time they prep around Valden and Krieg does something just plain mean, he polymorphs himself into a rust monster.

The combat lasted all of 2 rounds.

The party bursts the door open.
Round 1:
Cleez, in his Leonal form, steps into the room and uses his full attack on the nearest golem. He hits with 3 of his attacks and a Power Attack of 8, netting over 100 points of damage, and leaving it with only 6 hit points.
Senmonious steps into the room, but mostly to make a target of himself.
Dariel casts Chain Lightning at the golems. The spell does no damage, but succeeds in slowing the golems.
Krieg runs into the room and easily turns one of the iron golems into a pile of rust.
The golem’s return attacks are nowhere near as impressive.

Round 2:
Cleez swings once and downs his first golem. His Cleave feat gives him a free attack on the next one. That attack, plus his Haste attack, and his 3 other full attacks all hit. The iron golem falls to the ground as a pile of rubble.
Kriegs rusts the last golem.

That was simple enough.

Room N224: When the party opened the door, they were all blasted with a Heal spell and a Greater Restoration Spell. And inside the room, written in runes that everyone could read, was a prophecy of the “champions of the gods”. It listed the deeds they had done and feats they are destined to perform. It even stated that they had several great challenges ahead of them.
A listing of their deeds can be found here.

Room N223 (for the third and final time): The party does its usual checking of the eastern door before opening it. They detect no evil or traps, but they do detect some strong magic behind the door, and find that the door is locked. So they use their almost depleted Wand of Knock to unlock it.
Instead of a room or hallway they find a wall just like the rest of the dungeon. But there was also a bone scroll case set in the wall.

The party finds two scrolls in the case. On each is a spell of divine magic. One scroll has the spell Freedom on it. The other scroll has the spell Inprisonment on it. And thanks to his skill in alchemy, Krieg notices that the paper the scrolls are made of is flash paper.

Peculiar to the party, they stow them and move on.

Room N236: Two large bare spots on this room’s floor led the party to believe that there were once a couple of statues here. Otherwise the room is empty.

As the party leaves this room, they hear the loud maniacal laughter of Invistis echo through out the region.

Areas N100: More of those unholy oil traps that plagued Krieg several sessions ago. We ignored the traps.

Room N167: This room contained a large, freakish iron golem that had 4 arms and a head that had a face on its back and front.

The party was about to attack when Invistis’s voice seemed to come out of it.

“Greetings adventurer’s the score is now 3 to 1. I have found the last key!”


“But I offer you a truce of sorts. Since I want to free the great dark one to serve him, and you want to destroy him and me, how about we do it at the same same. Then you and I shall fight it out before the great dark one. Do we have a deal adventurers?”

The party, not liking the idea of having to fight a lich and an unknown monster of potential god-like power, replies, “No.”

“Fine...Now go on and attack my newes golem. I dare you.”

So they do. Krieg steps out of the Antimagic Field, turning back into a rust monster, and rusts the golem.

We stopped the session on that.
The party did not return to the garrison or anything, we just stopped right there at that point.


Blogger Chris Podima said...

Nice as always. Your 'list of deeds' link is broken, sadly - just leads to cincidnd.blogspot.com. :(

(Also: Those two scrolls are definitely interesting. ;) Fun to see where THAT leads.)

12:27 AM  
Blogger BlueBlackRed said...

I think you might have missed the joke with that link.
...or I did a poor job of setting it up.

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was expecting an actual list, but that was rather amusing.

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't believe you had resumerized the deeds. When I clicked the link I got it right away. I thought it was pretty funny.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Chris Podima said...

...OH. Wow. Uh, yeah, I get it now. In my defense, it was 12:27 AM when I posted that, apparently. Whoopsy.

12:39 AM  

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