Monday, June 06, 2005

Session #26

Oh man, I've been so bleeping busy recently.
If it weren't raining I'd be mowing right now.

Ok, let's not waste time on a week late session entry...

Dale created his new PC, Senmonious Solarson, an aasimar paladin.
Now due to the increasingly more difficult ways of introducing new PCs to the game, I asked Dale to (or maybe I forced it upon him...I forget) play an aasimar. And because this was for the game & storyline, I removed the EL +1. Just assume that we used the Unearthed Arcana rules for removing it.

His story:

Son of a human paladin and a solar angel (NOT Mythlyrian...Dale), Senmonious's future was never at doubt. He joined the "heavenly forces", and eventually wound up in the World's Largest Dungeon after the PC's caused the original inevitables to shut down.

Senmonious was simply a standard shock troop that was part of a squad sent into region I to begin its cleansing. His commander was a little into defeating evil and not so much into thinking before acting. A few hours into their campaign, which had so far consisted of chokers, gricks, and slime creatures, they found a couple of startled drow. The drow ran, and the squad gave chase.

It was, of course, a trap. The drow ran through a room which held several driders and drow (which had teamed up to prevent their own destruction). Between the Lightning Bolts, Fireballs, drow poison, and steel, Senmonious and the rest of his squad fell quickly.

After their slaughter, some comrades retrieved their bodies and returned them to the garrison. This happened as the party was returning with their own fallen member, Valden. After Mythlyrian raised Valden, he used the remaining diamonds from the sundered Chaos Diamond to raise any soldiers he could raise. Angels can not be raised, but aasimars can be. Those same adventurers stayed to heal up as many as they could, rather than resume their trek to find the exit.

Senmonious considered this to be a very humbling moment. And he decided he needed to reflect upon his recent actions. He returned to the rooms containing the Charter and the other holy relics to meditate and pray. (All of the new garrison members signed the charter.)

While in the candle room he saw a candle flicker and go out. This candle was one of the group of adventurers that he had heard of. This meant that one of them had fallen, or had turned from the Charter. Rushing to the Charter, he saw Thunderclease's name begin to fade away.

He returned to the meditation room and asked Ilmater for guidance. When his prayer ended, he saw another adventurer's flame die. This had to be a sign. Without checking to see who had fallen, he ran to talk to Mythlyrian. He hoped to get Mythlyrian's approval to go the party's aid.

It was granted. Mythlyrian handed him a potion of Invisibility, and a potion of Endure Elements (fire). Spark led Senmonious (Sen) to region J through region I and then left Sen on his own.

Sen drank both potions and searched for the party. After crossing the dual bridges, it did not take much for Sen to find a trail to follow (blood & bodies).

Long story short, he found them, they let him join them, and there was much rejoicing...

Here's the map

Ok, not quite true.
The last thing Senmonious remembers is following the trail of the heroes (kind of upgraded from party to heroes btw). Then he here's sound, has the area near his head filled with a puff of oddly smelling smoke, then passes out from. He seems to remember a vision of some kind of chameleon or other lizard creature.

He wakes up to a greatsword's edge laying on his throat, and his heavy armor burning him. Sen recognizes the heroes, and greets them each by name. He is slightly let down when they don't recognize him.

Odd, I feel like I'm saying this in a British accent as I type. Odd.

But a couple minutes later he fills the party in on what he saw, and they let him know what happened as well.

He is accepted into the party on the condition that he must first..."Please the Cleez."
Thankfully he never really elaborated on what that meant.

And now the party has a new paladin and all of the Detect Evils they want.

Krieg had just cast Raise Dead on Thunderclease, but did not have a sufficient number of diamonds to do so on Dalron. So our heroes did final rites, stripped him any valuable equipment he had, and then gave him a funeral by fire and dumped him in the lava pit in...

Room J20: After leaving this room, the party noticed some dragging marks of a large, rectangular object, possibly a chest. They believe it to be the work of the azers.

The party then investigates the other areas where they found fire giants, rooms J24 & J25 (they stayed clear of the lava river). In each room they found a single giant, dead, with many small stab wounds about it.

Hmmmm...more work of the azers?

Room J60: The party back tracked to where they fought the dozen trolls, and moved through its northern doors. They came to a crossroads with a 10' wide brazier resting in the middle of it. Thunderclease began to move off to the east, but a pillar of divine fire rained down upon the area, centered upon the brazier. The Flame Strike Spell barely hurt him thanks to the standard fire resistance spells cast upon him.

Torin, in his new role, Dalron's understudy, searched the brazier. He found nothing until he touched the brazier itself. Then another Flame Strike, followed with a Deeper Darkness.

Unable to disarm the trap, Krieg and Zorak temporarily disable the spell sources with a few Dispel Magics.

Room J61: This room is split into two by several thick iron bars. The bars serve to cage 4 very large wyverns. One particularly nasty wyvern continues to bash its head into the bars until it knocks itself out. And their eyes glow red, in a manner the party has seen before, on all of the fiendish creatures in region A.

A quick guesstimation of the wyverns' tails leads the party to believe that the poisonous tails of the wyvern could reach just about anywhere in the room, even through the bars.

The party attempted to talk to the wyverns using a few languages until Zorak struck gold with Draconic.

"Free ussss!"

"What will happen if we do? You are evil through and through."

"Free ussss! We will let you and your friends remain free of our wrath.

"Fine. But in order to free you we'll need to search the room for anything that might remove the bars."

"That is ok!"

(The party never intended to free them.)

Torin enters the room and begins to search for any levers, buttons, or whatever is out of the ordinary in the room. But not even 10 seconds into the search a wyvern attacks Torin with its tail.

Torin immediately fled the room, minus a few constitution points. The party slammed the door shut to the room with the wyverns screaming "Free ussss!" from behind it.

A little bit of healing and a Lesser Restoration later and the party moved on.

Room J64: A similar room to J61, but with no wyverns, some rubble in the corner, and a large lever in the center of the southern wall.

When Torin investigated the lever, a Chain Lightning spell ripped through him and the party. But the damage was effectively nothing when compared to 2 relatively fresh clerics.

But when the party cannot find any clue to the levers purpose, and it's protected by a trap, they decide to leave it alone.

Room J68: The door to this room was scarred by fire and the smell of burnt fleshed permeated the area.

Upon entering the room, a pair of huge fire elementals chased after the party.

The party runs out to the hall where Sen and Cleez melee the elementals through the doorway. This combat was possibly the most boring combat since region A. It was pretty much a combat of attrition. Fire damage was ignored thanks to the party's spells, and melee damage against the party was quickly replaced through healing spells. And the combat was prolonged by the elementals damage resistance. The elementals were finally put down by Zorak's ice spells.

And to add insult to injury, there was no treasure to speak of.

Room J71: As the heroes approached this room the heat from the room drained until it became quite cold. The floor to this room was covered with a thin sheet of ice. A quick look into the room showed ice throughout the room, rubble in the northeast corner, and a statue of a scowling demon in an alcove to the south.

The party chose to let Torin scout out the room.

After he had made it about 10' into the room, a Wall of Ice filled the western half of the room, and completely blocked out the doorway. Torin was all alone in the freezing room.

The party set about melting the wall. (Dispelling it didn't seem to occur to them.)

A couple of Flame Strikes and a Scorching Ray later and this section of the wall had melted. Torin was freed.

But he only had 10hp remaining. While in there, a Cone of Cold erupted from the statue and Torin rolled a natural 1 on his save.

The party decided that they had had enough and returned to J60, successfully dispelled the Flame Strike trap and moved back to their resting room in troll territory.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey where's my weekly entertainment! ;)


8:44 AM  
Blogger BlueBlackRed said...

I'm sorry.
I just have no time at the moment.
I figure I'll be doing a double entry at this point.

Hey, it's my birthday don't think I'm going work do you?

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always a good read! I have started WLD myself.(level 2 ranger now) The DM is very good about not giving any "help" arg....
No really I like his style! It's cool to see the different paths different groups take. Keep up the Good work. We love it!!!

11:46 PM  

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